The man indicted in the investigation into the cyberattack which targeted a Parisian law firm, and hacked into documents contained in the investigation into the Charlie Hebdo attack, defended himself on Friday from being a hacker , claiming to have played “a role of undercover negotiator“. “If he was able to (…) request remuneration for his negotiation mission which explains the proceedings brought against him, my client categorically denies having acted in concert with the cybercriminals“, insisted his lawyer, Me Louis Cailliez, in a press release.
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After the computer attack suffered by a Parisian law firm in May and June, an investigation was opened in Paris on July 1, and entrusted to the judicial police of Lyon and the Central Office for the Fight against Crime related to information and communication technologies (OCLCTIC). On November 14, the investigations, in particular for fraudulent access and maintenance in an automated data processing system, extortion in an organized gang and criminal association, were entrusted to an investigating judge. It is in this context that a man, accused of having played the role of negotiator, was indicted and placed under judicial supervision.
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“It is after the hacking (to which he is completely unrelated), and on the express mandate of the law firm“, says Me Cailliez, that his client “stepped in to make his company’s services available and act as an undercover negotiator with Everest», «group of overseas-based hackers who claimed hacking“. According to Me Cailliez, it is “after reporting to the authorities, and in the interest of the law firm, in order to avoid public disclosure of the misappropriated data“, that the respondent has acted.
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