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unions ready to call for mobilization

The unions united under the same banner to mobilize against the pension reform? Received one by one by the Prime Minister on Tuesday
the social partners came out and promised to encourage people to take to the streets in the event of a postponement of the legal retirement age.

For the CFDT, usually inclined to compromise, it is this reprieve the red line not to cross. 64 or 65, it does not matter, in case of a fall in this age, “CFDT will mobilize”warned the general secretary of the first French trade union, Laurent Berger, to leave Matignon. “We come out determined not to let a reform pass that will first hit the most modest”emphasized Laurent Berger, first received by Elisabeth Borne.

“If there is a fall in the starting age, there is mobilization”

Elisabeth Borne is determined to raise the legal retirement age by two or three years on the grounds of restoring balance in the pension schemes delayed again this Tuesday morning on franceinfo
claims that the threshold for “65 years” was not “a totem”. But “I say this, and I said it to the Prime Minister: if there is a postponement of the legal retirement age to 64 or 65, the CFDT will mobilize to challenge this reform“, hammered before the press the number one of the reformist central. Laurent Berger already said to himself “determined” to call “employees to mobilize” on the street, in collaboration with other trade unions.

“If there is a fall in the starting age, there is mobilization” and she will be “important”added the head of FO Frédéric Souillot, determined to “roll back the government” but then “the majority of French are against a fall in the retirement age”. “This means strikes, demonstrations and then the general assembly will decide on the renewal of the strike” , he said. François Hommeril, president of the CFE-CGC, also said he was ready to accept “a most unfair measure (…) of change” of the starting age.

The president of the CFE-CGC François Hommeril explained that the reform was not “not eligible” and “unfair” for some people. “The prime minister is in the situation where someone sells you a car without an engine, when you point out to her that there is no engine in the car, she says ‘yes, but I have put the seats in leather'”he imagined.

Amid these consultations, the head of government went to the Elysee Palace to probably take stock of the issue with Emmanuel Macron, according to his diary published by Matignon. Other meetings with the leaders of trade unions and employers’ organizations are scheduled for Wednesday, before presentation of the text next Tuesday, January 10.



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