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HomeLawyer“We learn to consider Alain Bensoussan almost like a god” – Liberation

“We learn to consider Alain Bensoussan almost like a god” – Liberation

Info Libé

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Obsessive control of employees, extravagant demands, intimidation… “Liberation” collected the testimonies of 23 members, former or current, of the structure. They describe a “climate of terror”. Two ex-collaborators seized the council of the order.

[Article mis à jour le 15 avril 2022 avec l’ajout en fin d’article d’un droit de réponse du Cabinet LEXING – Alain BENSOUSSAN, avocats]

“Sect”, this is the word that many former employees of the Lexing law firm spontaneously think of to describe the unreal atmosphere that reigns there. A heavy atmosphere, mixing degrading treatment and cult of the chef, shaped by the founder, Alain Bensoussan, 70, the only partner of the structure, and therefore “guru” of one “captive ecosystem”. Around him, a good part of his family − among others his brother, his wife, his two children − and a group of department directors constitute the “King’s court”, and apply with finger and eye all the instructions of the great chef. At the bottom, an audience of collaborators, mainly very young lawyers just out of school.

Despite a climate often described as toxic, many agree to bow to the monarchical canons of the boss, with a view to shaping a desirable CV. In any case, everyone has a memorable memory of their first meeting with Alain Bensoussan, who seems to appreciate being portrayed as an omnipotent boss. Thus, when a handful of new recruits arrive – a dozen at once, an illustration of abundant turnover – he questions them about what they have heard about the firm. One of them dares to bring him the rumor of a guruish boss. “That’s exactly it, keep spreading that



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