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HomeInsurancewhat is the legal notice period for canceling my contract?

what is the legal notice period for canceling my contract?

Many of you are unaware of the legal notice period for an expiring car insurance contract. Here is the correct answer.

Let’s say it without delay, the legal period to self-terminate your car insurance contract when it expires and thus avoid its de facto renewal is not not one month, but two months. This termination must take place per a registered letter to your insurance company (including electronically), at the risk of having their subscription renewed for another year without you being able to dispute it.

2 months or 1 month, it depends

However, since 2015 and the consumer law also called the Hamon law (which Foreign Minister Marlène Schiappa plans to reform in 2024), each insured person has the right to terminate their insurance contract at the end of the first year of his contract. In that case, the insured’s notice period is increased to one month (30 days) and if you decide to continue driving your vehicle, your new insurance company will then be responsible for the procedures to be carried out with your previous insurance company, in particular by providing proof of the continuation without interruption of warranty coverage related to your car with his company.

Published it 02/11/2022 Up to date 02/11/2022



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