Saturday, September 7, 2024
HomeKitchenthe star restaurant L'Oiseau bleu sold to its chef François Sauvêtre

the star restaurant L’Oiseau bleu sold to its chef François Sauvêtre

A smooth transition, since this 35-year-old chef, who worked at Coutanceau, at George-V and at Grand’Vigne de Caudalie, has already worked for almost five years at the piano at L’Oiseau bleu, winning the first star there in 2020 .. just before the first confinement. “It happened naturally,” explains Frédéric Lafon. Sophie and I wanted to take a step back and we spoke to François first. “For my part, the last one clarifies, I both wanted and feared being a business manager with half a dozen employees, even though by running the kitchen I was already in charge of the management. »

With family

“For François, it is still a better comfort of life, as he now lives above the restaurant instead of Saint-André-de-Cubzac,” adds the former owner. In this job, family life is important. François Sauvêtre of course consulted his wife, Sarah, before she started, she gives him a huge helping hand by taking care of the accounts.

Today, the couple is alone at the helm. But the star and Lafon’s upstream work cleared the way. “When we left the Cours de Verdun for Avenue Thiers, our customers called us crazy,” recalls Frédéric Lafon. But success came quickly. François’s advantage is that he is buying an established restaurant that he knows perfectly. »

Chef François admits that he is comfortable with the boss Sauvêtre and above all discovers the joy of management with vacancies, more in the dining room than in the kitchen. “The star attracts CVs, he admits. Indoors it is more difficult. “Senior in the profession, Frédéric Lafon claims to have never experienced such a situation, mainly because of Covid. “Of course there are salaries, but it is above all the quality of life that is paramount. Better hours, for example, but in a restaurant you have to work during meals and in the evening. »

Value for money

L’Oiseau bleu and Côté zinc, the establishment opened next door by Frédéric Lafon, also closed on Christmas Eve. However, the starred restaurant will be open on the evening of the 31st because it is a gourmet meal. François Sauvêtre is as keen to have fun as he is to please his clientele at the lowest possible price.



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