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Reform of unemployment insurance: in this case, the duration of compensation will be reduced by 40%

On 1 February, the new unemployment insurance reform comes into effect with new rules regarding the duration of unemployment benefits. As Les Echos reports, the draft of the reform was sent to the social partners on Friday, December 23, with several scenarios regarding the duration of the compensation.

The draft text confirms that the duration of the compensation will be reduced by 25% for jobseekers who open up rights to unemployment insurance from 1 February. The current rules would be restored if unemployment rose to 9% (against 7.3% today). But a new track has been proposed and would be implemented if the conjecture were to improve. If unemployment fell to 6% (against 7.3% today), the duration of compensation would decrease by 40%. The conversion rate for the number of days contributed to the number of compensated days will then be 0.6 and not 0.75.

Labor Minister Olivier Dussopt had already announced in November a possible tightening of the compensation’s duration, but in the event of an unemployment rate lower than “5%”. The text sent today to the social partners clarifies that such a measure must be the subject of a decree in the Council of State to enter into force.


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Which calendar and which exceptions?

The text, sent on Friday to the social partners, contains details of the timetable for the reform’s entry into force. The new rules will thus apply to all employees who register with Pôle emploi from 1 February, with a single exception for people dismissed by their employer from 1 February, but whose dismissal procedure will have started before. .

In addition to these details in the calendar, the text reminds that the sailors-fishermen, dock workers, intermittent du spectacle and the employees of DOM-TOM will not be affected by the new measures.


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