Saturday, July 27, 2024
HomeInsuranceRémi saved 56% on his borrower's insurance: and you?

Rémi saved 56% on his borrower’s insurance: and you?

Rémi saved 56% on his borrower's insurance: and you?
Rémi saved 56% on his borrower’s insurance: and you?

Borrower insurance can make up more than a third of the total cost of your mortgage. Right after interest, it is the second highest expenditure item. So imagine that you can reduce the price of your borrower’s insurance by up to 56%! A nice sum that would allow you to increase your purchasing power. In this time when every penny counts, we’ll explain how you can move forward…

Switch mortgage insurance at any time: it’s possible!

Take effect ! Since the implementation of the Lemoine Law last September, you can cancel your contract at any time.

Let’s go back to the chronology of the laws passed over the years that affect borrower insurance:

  • The Lagarde Act : in place since September 2010, it allows any borrower to choose an insurance policy other than that offered by the bank that granted him the loan. This is also called delegation of insurance.
  • The Hamon Law : introduced in 2014, the Hamon law goes further and allows borrowers who have already taken out loan insurance to change it freely during the first subscription year.
  • The Bourquin Amendment : enacted in 2018, it allows you to change borrower insurance on each anniversary date.
  • The Lemoine Law : this is the icing on the cake as this law, implemented in September 2022, finally allows borrowers to change loan insurance at any time.

These laws represent a real revolution for borrowers because the mortgage insurance market has opened up to competition and therefore offers new perspectives. Take effect, Changing borrower insurance lowers the total cost of your credit…

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Home Loan Insurance Comparison

Earn up to 56% on your loan insurance

By changing the loan insurance you can reduce the costs significantly… Up to 56% in some cases.

Here’s an example of what you can gain in purchasing power:

Rémi has an outstanding mortgage loan of 544,000 euros. He decides to switch homeowner’s insurance to reduce his monthly payments and gain purchasing power:


Bank group insurance

Individual insurance

Insurance costs



Monthly fee





At the start of his home loan, his entire borrower’s insurance amounted to €39,655 with monthly payments of €244.

Thanks to the delegation of insurance, Rémi has reduced his monthly payments, which are now €58, and has earned €22,200 on his entire loan.

Are you tempted? Up to you…

To lower the cost of insurance linked to your credit, it is possible to put all solutions on the market in competition. For example, contacting your bank to see if a renegotiation of the group contract is possible. You can also turn to individual insurance policies and compare them with each other.

If you want to get started, the process is simple and quick:

  1. Compare loan insurance offers on our site
  2. Loan calls you back immediately, supports you in your choice and makes sure to check that the guarantees are identical from one insurance to the other.
  3. Take out your new mortgage insurance online.
  4. If you wish, Empruntis can cancel your old borrower’s insurance to avoid any administrative burden.

Your trip…

Find the best loan insurance



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