Saturday, September 14, 2024
HomeKitchenZucchini and aubergine fritters from Jean-François Piège

Zucchini and aubergine fritters from Jean-François Piège

Jean-François Piège shares with you every Saturday on Point its cooking secrets by putting a seasonal product on the front of the plate. After confiding in you last week his tricks for to prepare his tempura batter, the 2-star chef of the Grand Restaurant in Paris I use it today to make zucchini and eggplant fritters. A recipe to be found in Zero meat, zero fishhis latest book published on 1er June at Hachette. Tempura batter, zucchini and eggplant slices, and you’re done. All that remains is to brown this little world in frying oil boiling accompanied by a few basil leaves and to season the whole at the exit with Espelette pepper and salt. You will see, it’s simple, fast and unmissable. Now it’s up to you to do it again. Enjoy these vegetable donuts that bloom full nose the flavors of summer.

Recipe : zucchini and eggplant fritters of Jean-Francois Trap

At the market
Tempura batter (see last week’s recipe), 1 zucchini, 1 eggplant, a few basil leaves, frying oil, Espelette pepper, salt

In the kitchen
Wash and drain the zucchini and eggplant. Cut them into slices using a mandoline without peeling them but after having removed their peduncle.
In a saucepan, heat the frying oil. Meanwhile, coat each slice of vegetable in the tempura batter.
Fry the vegetable slices for a few minutes until golden brown and crispy. Do the same with a few basil leaves. Remove them with a colander and drain them on a clean cloth.


Scatter a dome of vegetables on a napkin resting on a plate. Season with Espelette pepper and salt.

Consult our file: Jean-François Piège – Fall into the Trap



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